Why TakeTech?

  • BECOME SELF RELIANT When we learn to build or fix things, we develop a sense of independence.
  • UNDERSTAND THE PRINCIPLES OF STEAM Students learn better with hands-on "project based learning". Students must understand t he basics of Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math (STEAM) if their projects are to succeed.
    These projects make their math and science curriculum more relevant.
  • LEARN THE VALUE OF PERSEVERANCEIn Tech class, perseverance is encouraged. There's more than one way to get the job done.
  • HELPS STUDENTS FIND THEIR STRENGTHSStudents learn to be creative and innovative in Tech classes. There's nothing like taking an idea or concept and making it a reality.
  • EXPLORES THE SKILLED TRADESStats Canada has estimated that one million skilled trade workers will be needed by the year 2025. This will be the largest sector for employment in the near future. Technological skills are important for careers in engineering, design, and business. Many high school graduates claim that their tech class was a critical part of their education.

Develop essential skills, explore your creativity, and unlock a future career

  • Tech is a place of engagement in active learning
  • An area where students learn skill sets for life in a fun way
  • Tech is broader life skills, basic knowledge, practical application - transferable into everyday life
  • Provides one with confidence to troubleshoot problems
  • Skills you can use right now, immediate gratification
  • Tech is not about being locked into one industry/pathway for life
  • Experiential learning more beneficial than just reading