Check out what students are saying about Health Care:
Careers this pathway can lead to:
- Arboriculture
- Arborist
- Agricultural - Dairy Herdsperson
- Agricultural - Fruit Grower
- Agricultural - Swine
- Golf Course Maintenance
- Green roof installations / maintenance
- Grounds Management
- Hardscape Installer
- Horticultural Technician (Landscape Horticulturist)
- Landscape Architect
- Landscape Construction
- Landscape Maintenance
- Lawn Care Technicians
- Living wall installations / maintenance
- Nursery Green
- House Professionals
- Industry Supplier
- Irrigation Specialists
- Project Estimators
- Public gardens interpreter
- Sustainable food production
- Sustainable Urban Development
- Surveyors
- Utility Arborist
Indicates a Compulsory Trade
Indicates a Red Seal Trade
3-D Class Tour
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to take a
Green Industries class?
Lesson Plans & Resources
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