Other and Ad hoc Committees
Awards Committee Key Responsibilities
- Award Winner Selections: Reviewing nominations submitted to ensure the award criteria has been met, and prioritize approved nominations for determining the award winners.
- Correspondence: congratulate and invite award winners to the banquet, Invite past presidents to the banquet, informing School Board appropriate staff of award winner. (Director, Superintendent or Principal)
- Award Preparations by: arrange for printing award certificates, ordering certificate frames and gifts. Assembling framed certificates
- Slide Presentation: preparing a short slide presentation for viewing at the awards banquet.
- Photographer: taking photos of the award winners for posting on the OCTE website , taking candid photos throughout the banquet.
- Banquet Agenda: preparing and proofing the Awards Banquet Presentation Agenda, ensuring special guests have designated seating (signage)
- Work and coordinate with other committees as needed
- Email the Awards Committee lead
Technological Education Board Leads (TEBL)
- Plan and attend Technological Education Board Lead meetings
- Bring challenges in technological education to the table for discussions
- Collect data from school boards and technology teachers
- Provide solutions(e.g. problem solving, safe implementation of technology projects), and participate in discussions with other TEBL’s
- Work with community partners, colleges and universities to continue to promote and support technological education and meet the growing need for a highly skilled workforce
- Work with the Ministry of Education, Ontario College of Trades, Ontario College of Teachers, Ministry of Labour, and other government bodies on concerns related to technological education, co-op and apprenticeship pathways.
- Work and coordinate with other committees as needed
- Email the tech education board leads
Conference Committee Key Responsibilities
- Provide input regarding the planning and execution of conferences and workshops
- Staff the registration desk
- Present a workshop
- Introduce and thank presenters
- Act as a conference ambassador
- Work and coordinate with other committees as needed
- Email the Conference Committee lead
If you are interested in participating with one of the OCTE Committees (short-term or long-term) or just wish to provide feedback, please click here to contact us via email or email the committee leads via the links above.